Discover the future of innovation at our K-12 National Superintendents Forums

Your unique invitation to shape the future of your industry

Throughout the country, superintendents face challenges and opportunities in how they continue to define their institutional legacy. At RTM’s K-12 National Superintendents Forums, we provide a unique opportunity for K-12 leaders and educators to connect, discover, and build towards an innovative industry future.

A Congress for K-12 National Superintendent leaders

Our K-12 NSF Congresses are robustly tailored to meet the specific needs and priorities of superintendents nationwide. In our integrated platforms, you’ll find tools, frameworks, conversations, and new solutions to the major challenges facing your leadership and your technological navigation. These Congresses are unique moments of connection and clarity, empowering the next iteration of your professional and organizational development.

Strategically designed networking opportunities

Our K-12 NSF Congresses are robustly tailored to meet the specific needs and priorities of superintendents nationwide. In our integrated platforms, you’ll find tools, frameworks, conversations, and new solutions to the major challenges facing your leadership and your technological navigation. These Congresses are unique moments of connection and clarity, empowering the next iteration of your professional and organizational development.

Enhanced delegate outcomes

At RTM, we understand just how many demands are on your limited time. That’s why our Congresses are shaped to respect your capacity, delivering efficiently maximized results within a contained multi-day experience. Benefit from a curated event that sees the time you invest matched with significant and ongoing returns.

The RTM Commitment

RTM’s commitment to delivering the highest quality of meaningful experiences sees each of our Congresses shaped in direct response to the needs of our delegates. We match your passion for the K-12 sector with an environment that’s designed to empower you, equipping you as you continue to lead, innovate, and build your institution’s future. Through the powerful of collaborative learning, discovery, and exploration, we deliver transformational outcomes that have long-lasting results for each of our delegates.

Each of our attendees brings first-hand experience and passion for their field to our events. This contributes to a focused and strategic environment, which is further empowered by the nature of personalized content that speaks directly to industry trends and developments. With an invitation-only pool of delegates, your skills, experiences, and expertise are matched by industry-leading peers whose organizations face the same fundamental challenges and opportunities.

This combines to build a highly streamlined, robust environment, enabling genuine discovery, transformative networking and applicable takeaways. Through this careful curation, we offer significant results within a contained environment, achieving delegate outcomes at a rapid scale.

At RTM K-12, your success is our own. We strive to create environments that fuel your knowledge, expand your networks, and amplify your impact in the K-12 education sector.

RTM Blueprints

RTM’s commitment to K-12’s ongoing innovation is evident in our year-round blueprints. These white papers are available exclusively to past and present RTM K-12 NSF attendees, highlighting the latest areas of industry advancement.

Understanding, Embracing, and Integrating Artificial Intelligence

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Blueprint for All School District Leaders

This Blueprint focuses on making students feel represented, and creating a sense of belonging, as well as finding and implementing ethnic studies resources in curriculum and instruction.

Key testimonials


RTM provides an opportunity for networking unlike other conferences I have attended. Seeing and hearing leaders from other states is eye opening in several ways. For one, you see that we all deal with many of the same problems across the country and solve those problems in similar ways. On the other hand, the political structures of the state educational systems vary so drastically that you realize what is the main "fight" in one state may be a much smaller issue in another. You don't get these experiences unless you attend a conference such as what RTM organizes. - Ashley McMillian - Superintendent of Schools, Central R-III School District (Park Hills) (MO)


I found the RTM experience to be an opportunity to rejuvenate my own leadership and focus on the business of education, and not the distractions we face each day. The professional connections with colleagues from across the nation and the opportunity to speak with individuals who are experience similar challenges was rewarding and extremely beneficial. I would recommend RTM experience to any Superintendent. - Brian John Walmsley - Superintendent, Richmond Community Schools (MI)


I have found the RTM Superintendent Events to be extremely valuable. These events have been a catalyst for collaboration, enabling me to establish lasting relationships with fellow superintendents and educational vendors. The platform's unique environment has allowed for the exchange of ideas and insights, fostering professional growth, and contributing significantly to the success of my educational initiatives. I highly recommend RTM Superintendent Events to anyone seeking a dynamic space for building meaningful connections within the education community. - Barry Balaski - Superintendent, Moon Area School District (PA)


The RTM events are well thought out, relevant, stimulating and relaxing. They are a welcome forum for educational leaders to recharge and stay focused on the hard work being done daily. - Michael Coleman - Superintendent, Maricopa Unified School District (CA)